Just tested a new gprog update from gprog, Polo RH850 locked, I can read all data (see GCT guide)but can't unlock mcu.
Do you You have some tips how to do this?
Yes, unlock is also done, this are my settings
98221CC060 Subaru
Stage 1 N-F ( on stage 2 can't connect to device)
Port delay 70
Baud rate 50000
Sec_del 4
3.3V / 160000hz
Connected power to Gprog external board, without this can't unlock mcu.
I think is not good
Can somebody send me good tested Gprog? I will send this one back.
Or how I can check this one?
Aready put in good possition but still connection error
I have the same problem, no connection to the device.
I have the correct silicon labs drivers installed
I tested without a USB hub and with a USB hub
What could be wrong?
I can share my computer via teamviewer